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Sharing the Gospel of Jesus


Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations (Matthew 28:19)

But in the everyday busyness of life, it can be hard to know how to support missions – or even where to start.

At Calvary Nexus, we’re seeking to help people love God and their neighbors throughout the entire world – and we do that by supporting strategic ministries and missionaries who are intentionally raising up leaders, planting churches, and loving their neighbors both locally and internationally.

Get connected with our missionaries and find out how you can support the work that God is doing both in our community and around the world.
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How to get involved with missions at Calvary Nexus:



Learn more about what God is doing through missions at Calvary Nexus and connect directly with our missionary partners.


Support our missionary partners through prayer and financial gifts.


Check out our local and global mission opportunities and find out how you can help share the gospel.


Over 3 billion people have never heard the name of Jesus


Over 7,400 people groups are considered unreached (Joshua Project)


More than 40 percent of the world’s population has little to no access to the gospel.


86% of all unreached people groups lie within the region called the 10/40 window on the west coast of Africa to the east coast of Asia. (Joshua Project)

Our Missions Partners

Demitri & Karen Nikiforos (New Life in Christ South Africa)
Patrick Ijaka (New Covenant Missions)
Mark & Sherry (Philippines)
Lito & Cecille de Guzman (Calvary Chapel Manila)
Doug Posey (Global Training Network)
Jackson (Talking Bibles International)
Ryan & Joy Reiter (Western Australia)
Pastor Jordan Faker and Family (Spain)
Kevin Tolsma (Young Life Camarillo)
Esther Valenzuela (Casa Estrella)
Jose Luis & Cindy Pesina (Gracia del Calvario)
Mike & Sarah Vincent (Calvary Chapel Rosarito)
Juan & Jonathan Domingo (Horizonte Ministries)
Ventura County Pregnancy Center (Janice Jesse)
Matthew Carter (Mission Aviation Fellowship)
Bill Holdridge (Poimen Ministries)
Gideons International (Warren Nelson)
Gabriel’s House (Sam Gallucci)
Child Evangelism Fellowship (Jane Boyer)
Sheri Mergenthal (Refuge 139)
Michelle Bertelsen (Wycliffe Bible Translators)
Manolo & Holly Matos (Calvary Lima)
Anthony Hidalgo (Shiloh Bible Camp)


South Africa
Demitri & Karen Nikiforos (New Life in Christ South Africa)

Pastor Demitri oversees this national organization that identifies, trains, and supports church planters.

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Doug & Wendi Posey (Global Training Network)

Through intensive, on-site conferences, GTN serves pastors by providing teaching and training in essential doctrine, vital Christian character, and practical ministry skills.

GTN has a full set of curriculum covering all major doctrines of Scripture. For every training event, we tailor the curriculum to fit the primary needs of the church leaders.

Doug has a passion for communicating God’s Word. Clear, uncompromising Bible teaching, with humor and relevance, has characterized his ministry. Having served many years as an Associate Pastor, he became a church planter in 2004 with the birth of Living Oaks Church in Newbury Park, CA. Over its 16 years, LOC has become known for making mature disciples by giving people biblical clarity and practical knowledge in living out Christ’s purpose.

GTN offers an incredible opportunity for Doug to pass along what the Lord has entrusted to him. He and Wendi look forward to investing their future ministry years for the greatest results, in areas experiencing the greatest need, for God’s Kingdom.

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Patrick & Evelyn Ijaka (New Covenant Missions)

In 2019 we began supporting Patrick, a Ugandan pastor, to begin a ministry among the unreached Mening people. Since then, Patrick, his wife Evelyn, and their four children have seen hundreds of Mening hear the Gospel for the first time, more than 50 believers baptized, and a growing church planted.


Lito & Cecille de Guzman (Calvary Chapel Manila)

Pastor Lito oversees this ministry in the heart of Manila, which is involved with local outreach, youth evangelism, and church planting.

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Jaydon and Maddie Mook (Access Center for Youth and Children)

Jaydon and Maddie Mook have the privilege of serving in the heart of Manila, Philippines at Access Center for Youth and Children (ACYC). Their vision is to come alongside undeserved families in our community by giving their children access to resources that they otherwise would not have. By providing a safe and free facility that offers nutritional support, supplemental education, and biblical truth they hope to see lives changed for the community and ultimately for the gospel.

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Talking Bibles International

A former Calvary Nexus staff member is working with this ministry to produce and distribute audio recordings of translated Scriptures in hundreds of languages, making them accessible for millions of people around the world who cannot read.

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Western Australia
Ryan & Joy Reiter (Mission to the World)

Ryan, a former Calvary Nexus staff member, and his wife, Joy, are serving the Lord through a variety of ministries, both at a local church and in their community, in the Wheatbelt of Western Australia outside the city of Perth.

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South America

Manolo & Holly Matos (Calvary Lima)

Manolo and Holly live in the capital city of Perú in South America where Manolo serves as the Lead Pastor of Calvary Lima. Manolo was born and raised in Lima and met his wife Holly during their time studying together at Calvary Chapel Bible College in Perú. In a city of 13 million people, opportunities to share the love of Christ are never lacking. Along with their two children Macy and Isaac, their heart is to share the message of the gospel and raise the next generation of South American leaders.

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Pastor Jordan Faker and Family

The Fakers are working among the Basque people, a unreached people group between Spain and France. They are building relationships, sharing the Gospel, making disciples and desire to see Basque churches planted. To connect or for more information visit the link below.

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North America

Mike & Sarah Vincent (Calvary Chapel Rosarito)

In 2002 Pastor Mike, with his wife Sarah, founded Calvary Chapel in Rosarito. In addition to serving as lead pastor of this growing church, Mike also oversees ongoing church planter training classes, and has raised up dozens of church planters who’ve planted numerous new churches across Baja over the past decade.

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Casa Estrella (Esther Valenzuela)

Casa Estrella is a Christ-centered girl’s home in Rosarito, founded and operated by Esther and her late husband Joe. This powerful ministry rescues girls from abuse and addiction and guides them to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Jose Luis & Cindy Pesina (Gracia del Calvario)

Pastor Jose Luis and Cindy are church planters in Tijuana. In addition to shepherding the local church they began, they also conduct numerous outreach and community service activities, including regularly providing meals for hundreds of impoverished children.

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Juan & Jonathan Domingo (Horizonte Ministries)

Pastor Juan Domingo and his son, Jonathan, lead Calvary Chapel Ensenada in Baja, Mexico. Additionally, through Horizonte Ministries, they sponsor a Bible college and a home for special needs children.

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United States
Ventura County Pregnancy Center (Janice Jesse)

The VCPC, directed by Calvary Nexus attendee Janice Jesse, is a Christ-centered ministry that provides support to women and men in an unplanned pregnancy or post-abortive situations, including free pregnancy tests, confidential counseling, free ultrasounds, and more.

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United States
Child Evangelism Fellowship (Olu Adefope)

Olu and his wife Deanna oversee the “Good News Club,” an outreach ministry to students at our local grade schools. Faithful volunteers have opportunity each week to demonstrate God’s love to children and tell them about Jesus.

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United States & Around the World
Sheri & Wade Mergenthal (Refuge 139/JAARS & SIL)

Sheri is a former Calvary Nexus staff member and currently is serving as a Trip Leader with Refuge 139, a ministry of JAARS. By organizing volunteers on short-term mission trips, Refuge 139 cares for Wycliffe MKs (Missionary Kids) through a VBS-type program while their parents are in conference. Wade serves as a software developer in SIL’s Language Technology group. This team provides software tools (and related things like fonts) for Bible translation, language study, literacy development and other needs for people groups that do not yet have the Bible in their heart language. For more information on Refuge 139 & JAARS or SIL, visit the links below.

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United States
Bill Holdridge (Poimen Ministries)

Poimen (“Shepherd”) is a unique ministry operating in the U.S. and the United Kingdom which focuses on strengthening pastors in order to strengthen churches.

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United States
Gideons International (Warren Nelson)

Warren serves as a missionary with Gideons International, a ministry dedicated to making Bibles available to everyone in the world to reach people with the good news about Jesus Christ.

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United States
Gabriel’s House (Kingdom Center)

This Christ-centered ministry in Oxnard provides food, housing and other critical resources for homeless mothers and their children to help them find permanent solutions.

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United States
Kevin Tolsma (Young Life)

Kevin and April have done high school ministry in various forms over the past 25 years. Kevin served a few years as a leader for the high school group for this church up until nine years ago, and then got involved with Young Life in Camarillo as it was just getting established in our community. Nationally Young Life has been around since the 1940s and has a presence on roughly two-thirds of high school campuses nationwide. Young Life is also now established in 107 different countries. Young Life’s mission is to introduce adolescents to Jesus with the gospel with a focus of reaching unchurched teenagers. Kevin started out as a volunteer leader with Young Life eight years ago, and then three years ago assumed the full-time position of Area Director for Camarillo. In addition to Camarillo High, YL also has a ministry, “Club” at Rancho Campana High, and they are really excited to be launching their first Club for junior higher students next month at Monte Vista Middle School!

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United States
Matthew Carter (Mission Aviation Fellowship)

For over 75 years, Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) has used aviation to share the love of Jesus Christ with isolated people who have not yet heard the Gospel.

Matthew seeks to use what God has gifted him with for His purposes and glory through Mission Aviation Fellowship. Matthew is currently working with Missionary Maintenance Services (MMS Aviation) in Ohio gaining experience and his Airframe license. This will enable him to work outside the U.S. should situations demand it. As an avionics specialist, his work at MAF headquarters entails preparing airplanes with reliable radio and navigation equipment for service around the world. This important work helps to support all of MAF’s programs worldwide, keeping local churches and missionaries supported and sustained as they shine God’s light to the people around them. As every life saved is a miracle, Matthew thanks God for the miracle of avionics technology and the ability to serve Him through it. Thank you for your prayers!

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United States
Michelle I Bertelsen (Wycliffe Bible Translators)

My role with Wycliffe will be as Launch Coordinator. I will be working from home as part of a team of support for new missionaries going to the foreign field through their first term. I will be in touch with them, encouraging them and praying with them and for them and helping them navigate the process.

Prayer partnership is an essential element of service, because believers are involved in a spiritual battle for the souls of men. I would appreciate it if you would respond whether you would like to receive my newsletter and/or be a prayer partner. I would be glad to give you more information as desired.

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United States
Anthony Hidalgo (Shiloh Bible Camp) 

Anthony is the executive director at Shiloh Bible Camp. The Hidalgos serve in full time camp ministry to create and maintain a Christian camp for the furtherance of the Gospel. At camp they facilitate ministry outreaches that are evangelical, with a major emphasis on nurture in the Word of God, growth and service.  The Hidalgos want to equip the next generation in evangelism, theology, sound doctrine, and defending their faith. The camp has over 600 students attend in the summer with over 100 spiritual commitments being made each year. From Campers to Disciples.

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To learn more about our local and global mission partners, please contact us.