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Family Center Vision

Imagine a community garden where families flourish spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and relationally; a place where children grow in faith, parents are empowered to lead more effectively, spouses cultivate fruitful marriages, and relationships thrive. Here, a place and its people are transformed for generations and into eternity as they grow in love for God and their neighbors.


Families face a variety of obstacles to experiencing holistic health. Two of the most prominent are busyness and a lack of community. With burdensome schedules and activities, it can be difficult to find time to be together – and more importantly grow together. Today, it’s common to feel disconnected from others, and it is challenging to cultivate meaningful community. With loneliness at an all time high, we lack meaningful relationships we were created for and long to be a part of. We need a trellis to help us grow to make margin for what matters most.


We can always find reasons to defer our energies and efforts away from growing. What we need is to develop new soil for parenting, new seeds to strengthen our marriages, and new ways of maturing our love for God. Seasons of growth are formed through both acquiring the necessary tools to cultivate health and finding others who share similar passions and goals to help along the way. Every parent in our community would benefit to find both of these in one place.


Children are the future of our community, and they thrive in an environment where they are nurtured and guided into a hopeful tomorrow. Children need mentors who are willing to invest in the formation of their lives and outlets to learn new skills, learn to form relationships, and learn to love and follow Jesus. When tended to with love and care, children will blossom into an active part of a vibrant community.

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What Is The Nexus Family Center?


  • Play Zone: At the center of the Nexus Family Center is a new play zone dedicated for children (ages 0-9 years old) to have fun with others their age. This space is open for all families throughout the day.
  • Community and Parent Observation Area: The redesigned cafe space allows adults to cultivate relationships and/or simply enjoy the space. Being directly adjacent to the play zone, parents can watch their children playing in a safe and enclosed environment while forming community.


  • Programming: Our various engaging programs include athletic and creative opportunities for kids (sports, arts, dance, music, etc.), and empowering resources for adults (conferences, classes, groups, etc.). This programming is available throughout the year so families can be equipped with tools to grow in every area of their lives.
  • Sport & Rec Area: The new sport and rec area, adjacent to the redesigned cafe, offers a covered and lit space dedicated to sports camps, summer day-camps, and more outdoor activities all year to facilitate the development of our children.
  • Preschool: We’re offering an excellent gospel-centered education that will meet Monday through Friday on campus. The preschool is part of the garden where children will grow educationally, socially, and spiritually.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why Are We Doing This?

We are committed to making disciples who love God supremely and love our neighbors. The NFC will not only serve our community of faith but will serve the greater community around us. It will provide opportunities for engagement, development, and the sharing of the gospel. In effect, we are creating a community garden for people to participate, grow, thrive, and flourish. Our Core Pastor Team has prayerfully sought God’s wisdom and direction on how to best serve and impact our community. This initiative will be led by Pastor Jeremy and Pastor Chris and supported by our entire church community.

What if I don't have young children or a spouse? How can I be involved and how does this benefit me?

Like a community garden, there are opportunities for all types of gardeners to become involved to create a community where generations thrive. As you tend to the garden, you’ll also grow in your love for God and neighbors.

When will we open?

Permitting, construction, and development take time and we aim to open no later than the Fall of 2024.

What will it cost?

To create the NFC and enhance the space for our weekend church gatherings, the budget for the construction and renovations is $1.3 million.

How can I be involved?

We would love to see 100% participation from our Calvary Nexus community in the implementation of this initiative to impact our greater community. Please prayerfully contemplate how you can invest your time, talents, and treasure. This effort will require many volunteers. We also welcome 1-time gifts or ongoing increased donations over and above your present regular giving. (Link or pledges [name, email, and pledge – on-going or 1-time) or designate in the memo line ‘NFC’).

How will this impact our community impact efforts related to the schools?

We are optimistic that resources will continue to be available to allow us to care for children and their families connected to the public schools who are experiencing financial difficulties.